Tattoo Aftercare Guide

  • First Day

    - Leave second skin (plastic film) on for 2-3 hours

    - Wash your hands and gently remove the second skin

    - Rinse your tattoo with fragrance-free soap and water

    - Pat dry with clean paper towel and rest 10-15 min

    - Apply a thin layer of A+D Ointment or Aquaphor

    - Do not cover the tattoo to allow some time to breathe

    *If you are in a particularly unsterile environment, gently wrap clean plastic wrap around your tattoo and affix with tape
    Also do this if it is still bloody/ oozing when getting ready for bed

  • First Few Days 

    - Wash and apply the same moisturizer to your tattoo 1-2 times per day 

    -Your tattoo will begin to scab. Do not pick at nor scratch the area, this can pull out some of the ink and possibly lead to scarring

    *Apply moisturizer or anti-itch cream if needed to ease the itching

  • First Few Weeks

    - Continue to wash and moisturize your tattoo 1-2 times per day but feel free to use a fragrance and alcohol-free moisturizer of choice 

    - Keep an eye out for signs of infection: swelling, puss, red bumps, pain

    *Contact the shop or a doctor if one or more of these signs are present

  • Things to Avoid (2-3 weeks)

    • Sunlight (even with sunscreen)
    • Swimming in the ocean / pool
    • Baths or Hot Tubs
    • Scratching or picking at scabs
    • Tight clothing around tattoo  
    • Shaving the tattoo-ed area
    • High intensity work-outs
  • Things to Do

    • Use sunscreen outside (at least SPF 30)
    • Keep the tattoo moisturized and clean 
    • Apply layer of vaseline before shower
    • Shower only in cool/ lukewarm water
    • Be kind to your skin and let it heal